#1 With RESLIDES you create your own style!
Because our RESLIDES sandals are modular, meaning that all components (soles, straps, buckles) can be easily separated from one another, you can easily match the colors, patterns and material of your straps to your outfit. In the future, the sole and buckles will also be available in different versions. This means there are no limits to your individual preferences!
An important side effect: it's incredibly easy to repair! The modularity means you can replace worn or defective components yourself, thereby significantly extending the service life.
What other shoe gives you this ultimate freedom in the ever-changing world of fashion?
#2 With RESLIDES you save resources and protect the climate!
The soles, straps and buckles are mono-material and 100% recyclable, which means they are each made from just one material and can therefore be fed back into the respective cycle separately. For comparison: worldwide, partly because of the mixed materials, only 5% of shoes are recycled.
Our recycled components are then used to make new products, thus closing the loop.
This is what we call sustainable circularity à la 'cradle to cradle'.
#3 - With RESLIDES you are part of the solution!
Once your RESLIDES or single components are worn out, we will take care of recycling them so that we can be sure that loop is closed. We integrated the Circularity Credit in the product price and we set up a simple return process that allows you to send your RESLIDES components back to us at our expense. We collect the worn out components and then have them recycled.
There are no additional costs for you and, as an incentive, you will receive the Circularity Credit back!
With our RESLIDES sandals, you consume responsibly!